Sunday, April 28, 2019

Chris' Senior Talk and Nick's Recital

Christopher spoke in church today with the other graduating seniors. (Actually half of them. The other half spoke two weeks ago. We have 12 seniors in our ward!) He did a great job! I was teary and beaming the whole time!

A few years ago he gave a youth talk (maybe when he was 13 or 14). He didn't want to spend much time preparing and he didn't want my help to organize his thoughts. Today he said he remembered how he didn't prepare and how it didn't go so well and he's kind of been afraid of speaking since then.

Well today he did fantastic! He thought about the topic several weeks in advance and got some ideas. Yesterday he took time to write it out and this morning did a tiny bit of fine tuning. As a result he spoke confidently, with great poise, smiled his cute smile, and looked up at the audience just the right amount.

He got a lot of positive feedback and even one of the bishopric members texted this afternoon to say during a temple recommend interview, one of the youth referenced Chris' talk and how it helped them to realize they had a testimony. Way to be a member missionary, Chris!

This is his draft. And the talk from Elder Cook he referenced (he read a few paragraphs of it today) is here.
Nick had a piano recital today and did awesome. I hope he still continues to play 
"We Are the Champions" even thought he'll start working on new songs!
They had to tell a joke after they introduced themselves. His was:
"How did the orange drive away?"
"He peeled out."

Nick made a white cake from scratch today for dessert. It was delish.

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