Thursday, April 18, 2019


I graduated from Pelvic PT today. 
I have progressed from a 2 out of 5 to a 4 out of 5 in strength.
I can hold for 6 seconds what I used to only be able to hold for 1 second.
However, my symptoms haven't changed, which means that because different things are out of alignment, even though I have good Kegel strength, unexpected pressure is causing problems.
So I'm a good candidate for surgery to fix my peeing problem.

My therapist said my doc is a great one and gave me the name of two others she recommends.
I made appointments with both so I can ask all my questions, 
get specifics and details to make my decision. 

My doc (all three are ladies and are all urogynecologists -- the best people
to perform a incontinence surgery vs. a plain urologist) says its a 15 min. procedure, 
and is easy to undue if for some reason you don't like it or have complications.

It's a 2-week recovery plus another month of no exercise or heavy lifting.
But wouldn't it be great to not have to make a big deal of 
crossing my legs every time I sneeze or cough? She said all her patients are so happy.

I also had brunch with friends, a hair cut and color and Nick's baseball game.

This cute photo is from last night's combined YM/YW activity of learning to
swing dance and line dance. 
The caller turned out to be an old friend back when Courtney and their son was young.
He was the perfect guy to break the ice and get the kids involved. When it was time
to learn to swing, he partnered the kids up in 2 min. flat so they didn't have to get shy or embarrassed hoping someone would ask them to be their partner.

Nick has blue sleeves. At first he and his partner didn't hold hands or anything.
But his lacrosse coach was there and basically just made him do it.
Notice how he and his partner are both looking as far away from each other as possible!
That was how it was for most of the junior high kids! Such fun!

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