Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Decisions and Discouragement

My new class started this week. Novel 2. I've got 20 pages due in two weeks and the next 20 pages due one month after that. With the final 10 pages due two weeks after that. 

With my new Young Women's calling, I'm still feeling a bit overwhelmed with all the different responsibilities: Getting our own presidency organized. Organizing the 4 leaders under me in our Mia Maid class and their varying responsibilities. Organizing the class presidency and helping them take on leadership responsibilities. Not to mention we're planning quite a few "extras." They're fun ideas, but it's not my style -- I lean towards families providing experiences and YW supports with Wednesday activities and an occasional temple morning. But even though I disagree, I wanted my president to know that while I'll express my opinion, once we've decided, I'll support her wholeheartedly. 

Being the president is a tough job. I remember when I had an idea for singing "Follow the Prophet" in the primary program with each class singing a different verse. Everyone either rolled their eyes or straight up said it would just never work. I really didn't think I was asking for something that tough. But no one was even willing to try. It was disappointing.

So back to my class. I don't think I can do it. I can't be creative when I'm stressed. But I'm being prayerful about it. I'm not 100% sure if I'm being prompted that its not the right time to take the class and that's why I feel discouraged. Or if I'm simply just nervous about the commitment. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I was so excited about it just a few weeks ago. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.

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