Friday, July 06, 2018


Nick had a sleepover and they stayed up until 5:15 a.m. Those are the benefits of being the youngest child and living in a house where you can't here Every. Single. Thing. from the master bedroom.

Nick made waffles in the morning. I mean at noon, when they finally got up.

I organized the laundry room -- been on my list of to-do's for probably a year.
I took the photo for my cleaning lady, Nancy, so she'd know where to find everything if I'm not home when she comes. So why not document my productivity here.

Today I was going to rest more because my mouth still hurts. I think I tried chewing too much on Wednesday. Yesterday I was going to rest but then remembered I had a hair appointment at 11:00, the carpet installer called at 8 and gave me a few things I needed to do before he came, it was cleaning lady day, Catherine had lots of texts and questions before she heads out of town next week and Matz was bringing a desk delivery so there was non-stop activity all day.

So instead of resting, I got my hair done, thinned the beets and radishes in the garden 
(courtesy of advice given me from KT, the Garden expert), and brought up shelving from the basement that Matz is going to cut down to add new shelves to the Master closet. 

Today, the carpet guy called again first thing in the morning and was coming to install today, the electrician was installing lampposts and needed information so I had to text and email and search through the computer to find the information.
Also, the AC guy (Mauricio, I really like him) came and was working here all day reworking some wiring.

So instead of resting, I organized both laundry rooms, made some lists and organized some computer files. I ALSO spent a bit of time of FamilySearch trying to figure out what to do on it. I successfully read through the help articles and figured out how to Merge my dad's two records (I think he has two because at one time I thought I was linking him and me and in reality I created him a new record. It would be wise for this to be clarified on FamilySearch. I think Marge and I have duplicated records for her and my mom too. Oops.)

This tube is what the carpet was delivered in. It's too awesome to throw away. It's VERY heavy duty so my neighbors with six little kids are going to have fun with it. I wanted to keep it myself in the big crawl space near the climbing wall, but it was too long to turn the corner and fit.

My mouth is killing me. I'm going to lay down and do a crossword puzzle, maybe read my scriptures, and distract myself from wondering if I have food caught around the post implant!

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