Wednesday, July 11, 2018


My mouth has continued to be pretty sore. The tooth can get a bit achy, but even worse are my gums are sore, I have cankers on the insides of my lips -- not too developed, almost like I'm constantly trying to stave off a cold sore. You know that feeling when they're just beginning? Your tongue can feel the sores beginning to start.  My glands are swollen under my jaw. My throat burned for a couple of days where I swallowed some of the mouth rinse and now my ear is beginning to hurt.  Ugh.

Last week I developed a rash on my legs. I was at the pharmacist with Chris to get his Typhoid shot for Mozambique and I asked them about it. They said it was probably an allergic reaction to the antibiotic and I should stop taking it. I had taken my last dose that morning so that worked out. I asked if it could be the mouth rinse, Chlorhexidine Gluconate. And they said, "No."

But since my mouth has continued to be sore along with everything else and and yesterday my cheek and neck began to be itchy, I looked it up online and sure enough, side effects of the mouth rinse are rash, mouth sores, swollen glands etc. I called the pharmacy to let them know that there were side effects to Chlorhexidine, I was disappointed that someone told me that there weren't, and to have them update the notes in the computer of possible allergy.

Let's hope I get over this hurdle soon. It's no fun.

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