Friday, August 20, 2021

Thanksgiving Point Bday

I love Thanksgiving Point Gardens and was super excited to spend the morning 
sharing them with Kristin and getting back to see them myself. It's been a few years.

Pomegranate bush!

I love this depiction of Christ, Mary and Martha.
Years ago Diane shared a lesson in her scripture class about these two.

This reminds me of an experience I once had in the temple. 
So discouraged at some bad news as I walked in the door. EC was with me that day.
I was angry and wished to get out and go back home to work on the problem.
And then I realized it was actually the place I needed to be because who could help me most
was the Lord and I was desperate for him to Hear Me and know my heart.

Gorgeous vegetables in the vegetable garden.

And lunch afterward in the Trellis Cafe.

1 comment:

LifeOfARealMom said...

I LOVED my birthday outing with you Angela! Thanksgiving Point is now one of my favorite places. Thank you for introducing it to me and spending the day together. I love you!