Friday, August 27, 2021

Friday Favs

 Ran into my favorite elementary school teacher in Costco yesterday.
Mr. Fornelius was a rockhound and rewarded us with fossils and rocks for good grades on tests.
Thanks to him I loved geology and because of that I chose geology as my elective at BYU where...
I met Dan! 
 He remembered me and assured me I can still find trilobites in Delta if I ever go.

Today I hosted Ladies Breakfast and we lingered longer to swim and hot tub until 1:30. 
Always lots of laughs with the ladies.
It was a two-fer with waffles for breakfast and chicken croissant sandwiches for lunch.

Then I got cleaned up only to lay in bed listening to podcasts, surfing for Maui condos,
and occasionally shutting my eyes.

Dan & Marty were racing all day but when he got home we rode bikes to the food trucks for dinner.

1 comment:

LifeOfARealMom said...

So when are we going to Delta?