Saturday, August 28, 2021

Happy 51, Dan!

Dan and Nick raced today and got home just in time for dinner at Valter's Osteria.
Dan decided for his birthday he wanted a nice -- VERY nice -- birthday dinner out.
He'd been to Valter's a few times on business so had in mind exactly what he wanted --
chef's choice.

Ended up with a wonderful six-course meal and my only regret is that I didn't take photos.
Bruschetta on perfectly toasted crustini.
The softest bread with the most savory garlic dipping sauce.
Shrimp, lobster and calamari on tuna carpacchio. 
(The calamari was so tender we thought it was cheese cubes!)
Butternut squash ravioli, spinach ravioli, spaghetti with lemon sauce and gnocchi in arrabiatta sauce.
(The chef recommended it be eaten from clockwise, starting with the squash ravioli and ending with the gnocchi for maximum palate enjoyment.)
I let Dan finish my last bites of pasta because I was full.
Another basket of a different type of bread. More garlic sauce.
And so surprised when they waiter placed steak knives at each of our plates.
Two steak medallions with mushrooms accompanied with shrimp.
Biscotti to dip in cappucino cups of chocolate.
And three flavors of gelato -- strawberry, peach and lemon -- dessert.

Home for presents.
But the best gift of all was just being together for a fabulous experience.

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