Wednesday, August 18, 2021


So. Much. Rain!!!
Rained all evening yesterday and all day today.

I was so excited to check my rain gauge but was so disappointed to see 
there was a crack in it and didn't hold any water! So sad.

The funeral was sad. But also fun to hear stories and memories.
Seeing all the moms from the elementary years made me nostalgic for those friendships
and grateful for the support that we'll always have for each other. 
Holly had already been to Lisa's and drove by three different times until she found no cars outside.
They were able to cry together and uniquely understand each other.
It comforted me as well knowing they'd been in touch.

I ran through the rain to my car, then came home, changed from funeral clothes into sweats and a sweatshirt and got comfy under a blanket under the couch and set to catch up on e-mails from the last week. And read my book. And watch Schitt's Creek.


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