Sunday, August 22, 2021

My People

Today was spent non-stop visiting with family and friends and as I knelt by my bed at the end of the night I felt so much gratitude for friendship, a family I love, our ward community and interesting neighbors who make my life so full.

I'd forgotten church was at 9:30 instead of 9:00 so when I thought I was running late to get set up for singing time, I actually had an extra half hour to sit with EC at the kitchen table, listen to The Mormon Tabernacle Choir and eat breakfast. 

My neighbor gave a sweet talk in Sacrament meeting and I had a chance to catch up with another neighbor who returned a week ago with her family from a month in Puerto Rico and we made a plan to go walking together.

Singing Time went okay, maybe should have had an additional activity/review song planned, but I'm getting better at knowing a lot of the children's names in Junior Primary! 
Senior Primary is still a bit of a blur.

Love the graphic around our clock to help me keep on schedule!

After church, Courtney called to discuss Pagosa plans.

 At 2:00 we tuned into Ellie's farewell talk. I LOVE that we can listen to church in other wards without actually having to go to the ward! I hope they keep broadcasting church forever.

After her talk was over, EC headed back to Farmington, but soon Marge arrived just as we were leaving to the Janke's to give Ellie a hug. Saw Kira, Gabe and Levi. Sat with the Giauques, Pingrees and Morgans. On the way home, got a call from Annie that she had books that could help Lizzie with a class project so we swung by, perused her library downstairs while Dan and Rees talked about Teslas upstairs and then headed home with 16 coffee table books of pictures from around the world.

Nick picked up Chris at the airport from his California trip while Dan and I made dinner. He's sick, but tested negative for Covid, so that's good so he won't miss his first day of school tomorrow! (Hopefully he'll wear a mask!)

Lots to catch up on from Chris' week and then just as we were about to sit down to dinner, Sheree stopped by! She'd been in Logan for Joy's daughter's farewell and got to spend the afternoon with cousins and was dropping off oatmeal cake sent from Ron. (YUM!)

She stayed for dinner so we got to hear all about the Logan cousins and the Winger family.

Then Marge and Sheree left for home and Dan and I rode bikes up to the ward walkabout. Visited with Kenzie from my YW class, met a new neighbor, chatted with people I haven't seen in a while, laughed with old friends and their kids, talked to new friends until after dark when we rode our bikes home.

Chris and Nick joined us for scriptures and Chris gave a beautiful family prayer. He has really developed a gift for communicating with God. I was so touched. Afterward, Dan gave Father's blessings to each of us and after I'd had a turn, Chris asked if Dan wanted one too. Of course he did and was thrilled that Chris would ask. The blessing was really powerful and again, the growth that Chris has experienced on his mission and his eloquence in prayer touched all of us. Such a sweet spirit permeated our home that we all wanted to just sit and enjoy it for a few minutes. 

Marty and Lizzie showed up soon after to pick up the books and other things from home. And so we ended the evening getting to spend time with them. I love days when I get to talk to all my kids!

It was really one thing to the next today. But like I said, I am grateful for my community -- friends, family, neighbors, old friends, new friends and especially growth within my own family -- that enrich my life.

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