Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Out and About, Winter Version

 Yesterday Jo and I went to the spa -- a gift to both of us from each other for Christmas.
A facial, massage and lunch afterwards at Freshie's. Absolutely Heavenly!
Jo has the best gift ideas! 
A few years ago she got us tickets to Casablanca with the Symphony for all of us to go together.
We always love an excuse to try new things together.

Keeping the relaxation theme going, Dan and I got in the hot tub that evening.
We were going to watch a movie, but ended up sucked into the puzzle for HOURS.

This morning we hiked up Desolation to the Salt Lake Overlook.
Not much haze right now. But I could tell it's been a while since I've hiked.
So good to be out!

Courtney and Michael FaceTimed me from cross country skiing 
believing that the sun and the snow and the beauty of both, combined 
with their enthusiasm and description of how it works could convince me to try the sport.

And they were right! I'm excited to give it a try.

Deer Valley Turkey Chili for dinner.
Perfect copy and so delicious!

Finally finished puzzle #4 and I think I'm officially puzzled out. 

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