Monday, December 21, 2020

Christmas Star

Our neighbors invited us over to see Jupiter and Saturn crossing paths through their 
fancy telescope. (Christmas idea for next year -- Telescope for Pagosa!)
I was so excited! Somehow they'd remembered a comment I made about loving looking through telescopes and appreciating planets and stars.

At BYU I was able to look through a giant telescope in the Eyring Science building and see the craters on the moon and Jupiter's red spot. It was a top moment in my life for sure. 
(Just now I almost assigned it a top life moment number, until I thought about Dan and the kids and I realized I had a long list of great moments. So let's just say it was a great one.)

We had a 5:30 - 6:30 window -- after dark but before getting hidden by their tree.
A couple other families were there too.

This isn't an actual image, but this is about what we could see through the telescope:
Jupiter, four of its moons, and Saturn with rings!

Topped off with a trip to Nielsen's and google searching Jupiter's moons.
There are 79 of them. Europa, Io, Callisto...

Finished the night watching "Catch Me if you Can" because Marty and Lizzie had never seen it before! 

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