Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Friends and a White Elephant

We had a friends White Elephant exchange and since I've already had Covid,
I felt just fine going!! And so happy I could because we always have lots and lots of laughs!

Look closely, Kristin came too!
(She took our photo in the first pic.)
Where should I hang my TP wreath I "won" at the gift exchange?

Love my new Christmas shoes... bought them on Etsy!?!

The bandaid is from a cortisone shot I had Tuesday.
My ankle has hurt for six months. Maybe more.
No bone spurs or fractures or anything, so
doctor think it's an overuse injury. The cortisone should calm it down.

Dan and I watched St. Elmo's Fire tonight. A 1985 classic that neither of us had ever seen,
but the music was in our wedding video. Oh, I loved the soundtrack!
(Which now seems like only two songs.)

And then I worked on the puzzle until midnight. 
It's a super hard one! 
Like, I struggled even putting together the artist's signauture!
Marty and Lizzie have done it all up to now. I was able to finish the stair newels and bottom right corner.

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