Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas!

For the first time ever, Nick slept in on Christmas!
Dan and I even had time to sleep in ourselves, get showered and dressed 
and have omelet mix-ins and fruit salad all ready to go.
By 9:30, we texted the kids to see if they were up.
Marty literally dragged Nicholas out of bed!

We're all so grown up, we even ate breakfast before opening presents.
I think this is the first Christmas ever not having 
Aunt Marge, Mom or Rachel at our home for Christmas Eve and Christmas morning
or having extended family gather for food and games in the afternoon. 

Marty making home made chicken nuggets to accompany his Chick-Fil-A sauce
Lizzie's figuring out her new Apple Watch she got from Marty

Nick and Dan installing Nick's new subwoofer in his car.

We got to talk to Chris who was in the library of the institute building.
I'm snapping pics with my phone and Dan is holding Courtney and Michael on FaceTime
with his phone! Grateful for technology bringing us together.

The rest of the day had everyone trying on their new clothes, Nick loading up his new golf bag, 
the boys checking out MasterClass, napping and preparing a turkey Christmas dinner.

Goodbye to Lizzie and Marty all packed up with their new suitcases and bags to stay for a few days at Lizzie's house. Ten minutes away.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

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