Saturday, December 05, 2020


I woke up feeling so JOYFUL!

Merry Christmas season! 

I took a walk with Kershaw going the opposite way than usual so I could get in lots of hills. Sun hitting Mt. Olympus, crisp under-30* temps (but no snow), bundled up warm. I listened to two minutes of a podcast, then stopped. It was a good day for being alone with my thoughts. I pondered and prayed the whole time -- especially about a topic Chris brought up last night when we talked with him. 

He's got an investigator that loves the Book of Mormon. He told Chris he believes it's true. However, when Chris asked if they could come and teach him about the Restoration, he said, "No, I'm a pretty devout Catholic." Chris asked us to pray for him. So I was pondering. What makes our Church different from other Christian churches? Why would someone want to make a change? We all teach of Christ--he is the father of peace, love, light. Our Savior. Most church congregations create a community that lifts, learns and serves each other; who bear one another's burdens.

What's different about the restored Church of Jesus Christ? 

The first thought was The Holy Ghost. Yes, the Holy Ghost speaks to all of us, no matter what religion, faith or culture. We're all God's children and he finds ways to communicate his love to us -- giving us guidance, hope and peace. 

But after baptism in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we have hands laid on our heads bestowing the Holy Ghost as a constant companion. Chris' companion is a convert. He was baptized with his mother and siblings when he was 15. His mother could probably give them some insight on what that difference feels like. 

I have appreciated the almost daily revelation, insight, answers, peace I receive from the Holy Ghost when I ask for guidance, inspiration and comfort. Not only on my behalf, but on behalf of my children, especially when I seek understanding and inspiration on how to Mother them. I have felt answers come to me, words put into my head on many serious concerns or important discussions we needed help with. I rely on that revelation regularly.

Also, Priesthood Power. Not just reserved for church leadership or authorities, the Priesthood is given to men/boys as young as 12 years old. I've generally thought of this as Priesthood blessings/Father's blessings for our children and for me from Dan. I can't put words together to describe the spirituality that makes these special. I am grateful. I also use my priesthood power, having been endowed in the temple, to bless my family. I don't put my hands on our children's heads, but my prayers, on their behalf to know how to teach and love them individually, have always been answered, through the Holy Ghost. 

But since we've been having Home Church during the pandemic, I have been able to partake of the Sacrament, prepared, broken, blessed and passed by my boys and husband. In our own home. I believe the Sacrament is more than a symbolic opportunity to renew our covenants with our Father in Heaven. It changes us. It feeds our spirits in a real way that our spirits long for. To have this sacred ordinance for the past nine months, has been possible because they have been given the Priesthood, through the authority of Christ.

Finally, the knowledge of the Plan of Salvation. Through the atonement and death of Jesus Christ, we will be resurrected and can live with God again. Not as individuals, but united as families, eternally, with God, in Heaven. Families are sealed together. Baptism and saving ordinances can be done in the temple for those who didn't have them on earth. God is kind. He is merciful. He has made it possible for All of His children to be saved and live with him again. 

Joy to the World!

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