Wednesday, August 05, 2020

Wedding Eve

Michael's sister, Courtney, and her husband, Christian, 
(can you believe how this might be very confusing for the Petersen Fam!)
arrived this morning. We were waiting for them to take our walk to the falls
and also the ATV ride to Sally Overlook. 
Glad we had time to do both!

In the afternoon, Marty, Lizzie and Nick shot the BB guns...

...while Becca donned her Clergy hat (badge) and went over some official business.

Courtney also wanted my help doing her nails. So fun!

It was late afternoon by the time all business was taken care of. We wanted to stop by the new property on the way to show the Petersen's our new home site and the area.
AND pregnant Courtney K. didn't want to miss out so she went on the double with her husband.
What a good sport!

Courtney was really great at teaching all the Petersens how to ride ATV's.
Of course I'm no help, because I don't even know how to ride them. 
(Of course I do ride, but only after someone has given me a lesson. I never remember.)

Cuties! Less than 24 hours to wedding!

Than on to Sally's Overlook. Dan, me, Lizzie and Marty went in the jeep so everyone else could ride ATV's. It's a LONG drive! Took 45 minutes from the top to back home. And it seemed like coming back was a little faster. 

Christian took his drone to the overlook so I can't wait to see the photos from that perspective! 
It was beautiful as always, but I'm always the first to leave because that cliff gives me nightmares.

We got back just as the sun was setting and rushed to get dinner on the table.

After dinner, I finished Courtney's nails, which included a very failed French tip attempt and no nail polish remover. (I tried to bring some, but it leaked before we even got the luggage in the car! All over Nick's underwear.)

Rhonda saved the day with remover pads deep in her make-up bag!
In the end, her nails turned out great!

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