Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Piano Duets

EC came over for lunch and to see the new piano.
Have I told the story of the piano?

Of the seven grandchildren in the Shaeffer family, Dan was the only one who played the piano.
His Grandma, "Nanny," always told him she was giving him her piano when she died.

She died in 2000, but the week before her death, her oldest granddaughter spent the week with her and Nanny told her she could have the piano.
Well, it didn't make sense to have a family argument about it. 
The piano was a special heirloom, but in the end, just a thing. Things can be replaced. 
People and family relationships are much more important than stuff.

(And by the way, I was THRILLED to get her front door.
It was totally our Southwestern style at the time, made even more special by the fact that Marty and EC had bought it in Mexico and EC had hand stenciled and painted it.
It hung in our different living rooms for 15 years, was once mounted as our garage door, and is now displayed in the stairs on the way up to my office.)

Earlier this year, her granddaughter who had the piano was downsizing and could no longer use it.
She wanted it to stay in the family and asked if we'd like it.
Gram and Dan both went in on the cost to ship it and restore it and are gifting it to Courtney when she is ready for it. For now, it lives in our front room with our other piano.
The restoration turned out beautiful.

Gram and Courtney played some duets together and then Gram played some of her favorite songs -- several by memory!

One of my favorite things is listening to our instruments be played in our home!

1 comment:

CarolF said...

I must have been way behind in reading or I would have had more background on the piano when I saw it. And I would have watched for "the door"! How wonderful that the piano will be used so well by Courtney one day.