Thursday, August 06, 2020

C & M Wedding - Party Prep

We made breakfast while Michael and Courtney were getting photos taken, and then started on prep for the party after the wedding.

I was in charge of food and Rhonda was in charge of tables.
Dan and Nick hung the bistro lights.

When the photos were finished, Christine, the photographer (who was also a good friend of the Petersens') reminded me that she was also a food photographer and loved doing chatucerie boards. 
Since she was spending the day with us, she was happy to help out. Bonus!!

We all sat at the table cutting, chopping and putting together the appetizers.
(When the flowers were delivered, they asked that we wear masks!)

The flowers were gorgeous!! 
Courtney, Becca and Rhonda got to work prepping some smaller bouquets. 

And Michael and Courtney even had time for some downtime!

While EC, Lizzie, Dan, Nick, Marty and I were helping with dinner prep,
Rhonda and family put the tables together.
We left them under the roof just in case we had rain. But we never did!
The weather was so perfect!

By 3:00 everyone was working on getting showered and dressed up.
They got married on an overlook 
(not a cliff -- okay, it was a cliff, but I prefer the less frightening term "overlook")
just over the bridge and around the curve before heading back to town.

Nick drove Marty, Lizzie and I up an hour ahead of time so they could practice their pieces.
Good thing we were there extra early! It was so windy their music was blowing off
(Lizzie had remembered we should bring tape, thankfully), their stands were falling over (tried to secure them with rocks, but in the end they had to have one foot stretched out holding it in place), Lizzie's dress was blowing up, and worst of all, their bows were blowing off the strings!

Fortunately we moved them up the path which was more protected from the wind.
At least enough so they could play.
When everyone arrived, they walked down a long path to the wedding site. 
Marty and Lizzie played as they walked past.

And then Dan and Courtney came in the white jeep (Thanks Tres!) 
and looked absolutely picture perfect walking arm and arm.
His tan suit and her white dress was the perfect complement to the setting.
I can't wait to see the photographer's pictures!!!

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