Monday, December 02, 2019

Count Your Blessings

The Christmas Decorators came today and put up the fancy Christmas tree, the garland on the stairway and on the three fireplaces. Meanwhile I got the rest of the decorations up.

Before they came I drove carpool, went directly to a dentist appointment to get my new tooth, and then directly to my YW meeting. I basically woke up, took off my pj's and put on my clothes. 
I brushed my hair but that's the only grooming I managed. Also wore slippers because I have a big blister from my last hour in New York when I didn't bother to pull my socks up because 
"it probably won't make a difference." 
It did.

My favorite part of Chris' letter today was: 

"I know the lord blesses us when we do what we are supposed to be doing 
we just gotta be looking for the blessings and we will see them!"

I'm still not used to seeing him with a buzz. But I think it's so cute. That smile!!
What a lesson to see the hand of the Lord in your life! 
I'm so glad he's having the opportunity to step away from his comfy life, live in Mexico,
spend time teaching the gospel, serving others and seeing how the Lord blesses us every single day. 
"We just gotta be looking for the blessings...!"

Fun fact about this photo: 
His t-shirt says, "𝚺 Uce World Tour"
"Sigma Uce" is the name of their group.
"World Tour" and all the flags are where his 11 friends are all serving.
They made the t-shirts in graphics class.

P.S. Watched The Christ Child video tonight for FHE. So good. 
I LOVE that they spoke Hebrew!

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