Tuesday, October 08, 2019

Du, du, du, dum, Snap, Snap.

Yesterday we went to a matinee of Addams Family at Hale Theater. Since it was Family Night, Nick joined Dan, me and Aunt Marge. It was fun to be all together and fun to see the show. It brought back lots of fun memories for all of us when we were younger. Marge remembered watching it and knew all the names of all the characters. I didn't watch it too much, but of course EVERYONE knew the Addams Family theme song and were familiar with the characters.

Chris called while we were in the show and Dan was desperate to answer it, but I wouldn't let him. We'd texted Marty and Courtney ahead of time to see if they could answer if he called. Since he's new to the field, we don't really have a routine time for calling yet. Last week we got a few quick texts. This week it turned out they had a service project all morning so he couldn't check in until the evening.

However, we did get a chance to talk when the show ended and we were in the car together. 
Biggest news is he got a buzz cut.

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