Friday, October 11, 2019

Dog Lake Hike

We had a freeze last night and the leaves were raining off the tree non-stop all morning.

 (I figured out an easier way to upload video clips!)

We hiked to Dog Lake -- Dan's first time. 

So fun to be out in fall. So sad to witness that winter is right around the corner!

The lake was frozen -- it seemed like it would be easy to punch a hole through
so Kershaw had water to drink, but it was thicker than we realized.

But the most amazing natural phenomenon was the sound of ice chunks or rocks
when it was thrown across the ice.
Sound On!

Coyote Crossing!

I went to the Mamma Mia sing-along at the high school with friends.
Then Dan and I went to the Downton Abbey movie. 
Full day of fun!

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