Monday, September 16, 2019

So Far, So Good

A lot of people have asked how Nick is doing now that he's the only child at home. And a lot of people have asked how I am doing with just one child home. I'm still in the honeymoon phase.
Calm! Organized! Normal bedtimes! Normal routine! (Although how I miss Chris always wanting to talk about his day, or his night, or the latest scary movie he watched.)

Nick seems perfectly content. He's got lots of friends on weekends and lots of activities on weekdays -- at least he will once he gets his stitches out and can go to lacrosse again.

Family Home Evening seemed a little more ... dull ... for Nick without Chris (although Chris had been so "independent" the last couple of years it was hard to plan a time for family around his busy schedule). But Dan had a great idea to go golfing with Nick on Mondays and I would meet them at the club for dinner. We've gone the last three weeks and its been fun to go to the club and to be outside.

Also, as we planned Hale Theater performances with Marge, weekends were already sold out for upcoming shows, so we bought tickets for Mondays and will take Nick with us. We've got one a month through January. Another fun thing to look forward to for all of us on a Family Night.

So far, so good.

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