Thursday, September 12, 2019

Happy Birthday To Me

First thing, I opened presents during breakfast. 
Nick got me just what I asked for -- a birthday note with five things that he likes about me.
He's so specific and I LOVED it!
Dan got me a cute necklace and a Garmin bike computer. Fun!

After Nick went to school, Dan and I headed to Millcreek for a five-mile hike up the Birch Hollow trail just below the snow gate.

I feel like this sign should also include information of what to do  in case you meet the aggressive bear!
There was something stunning about these vibrant berries!
We made it home just in time to meet a tree professional (he was REALLY professional!) to talk about what fertilizers and dead wooding the trees need and him diagnosing a fungus in the yews that are all dying. (Did you know you're supposed to sterilize your yard clippers or they can spread disease from one yard to another? Just like a barber?)

After getting showered, we went to Ruth's Diner for lunch. Eating outside on the patio was the perfect way to celebrate a birthday!

We made a quick stop at the Mercedes dealership to look at a car I might be interested in. (But I'm not in a rush because mine just got detailed and it feels like new!) But it's pretty cute.

We picked up carpool and then while Dan worked for a bit, 
I read birthday texts at home and had a nap. 

I also gathered vegetables from the garden. So pretty!
For dinner the three of us (Nick, Dan and I), went to The Cheesecake Factory. I made a quick stop at The Container Store after, and then we went to the church to clean! (We had to do it early before a funeral tomorrow. Good thing we did because the boys' bathrooms were really gross. And I do a really good job of cleaning them. Pat on my back.)

And finally we came home for cake -- Dan got four different bundtinis from Nothing Bundt Cake. Just what I like -- a chance to taste several kinds!
It's been a great day!

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