Tuesday, September 24, 2019

First Time to Jackson Hole

I did something I don't normally do...
I said "yes" when I friend invited me to her cabin with girlfriends for a few days!

I had to fly home instead of drive home with them to make it in time for 
our Young Women retreat to St. George, but I went and I'm so glad I did!

The Tetons are absolutely gorgeous with countless hikes to beautiful glacier lakes.
I think it may even rival Pagosa in beauty.

We left after the kids went to school and made the 5 hour drive.
We immediately changed clothes and hiked 3.5 miles loop to Taggart lake and another.
Wayyyyy across the lake was a moose... way to far away to get excited about.
But the folks with binoculars were excited to tell us about it.

The moose is the black spot in the middle. Hmmm...
Jenn was in charge of making dinner (I'm I charge of breakfasts),
and after we played Boggle, Double Ditto and watched one hour of Walter Mitty.
We had so much time to walk and talk during the day, we were ready for bed by 10:00.
Big hike tomorrow.

Funniest part of the day was taking a sauna in the teeny tiny sauna. It held the four of us, but barely.
Amy C. likes to be hot, hates to be cold, and breaks into a dripping sweat.
It was hilarious, really.
I had to focus, mind over matter to stay in the thing. I don't like being hot.
But I do like being with friends.

It's bear season. We kind of hope we see one, but we don't want to be mauled by one.
We were packing wasp spray (because someone said its the same as bear spray)
and heat. Amy has her concealed weapons permit. I'm not a big fan of guns,
but if its going to protect me from a bear, I'm on board.

We saw the moose from far, far away, a snake, and a bald eagle.
Which reminds me, the Snake River on the drive up was beautiful!

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