Saturday, September 28, 2019

Cedar City Temple was Windy!

After breakfast and cleaning up, we visited Brigham Young's Winter Home.
Again, such a sweet spirit from the testimonies of the senior missionaries.

We drove to Cedar City and found a park for our picnic lunch near the temple.
A dad had just completed a rim to rim to rim run at the Grand Canyon, so met up with us and his daughter. Of course he showed up with Crumbl Cookies! 
Love this family who are always so generous!

Surprisingly, at the Cedar City temple, we had no one in front of us in line for baptisms!
They were very organized.
I especially felt a sense of urgency while we were there doing baptisms.
An urgency to take the time we can to make temple work a priority.
We don't fully comprehend how important this work is to people on the other side.

Look how windy it was! 
We literally were holding on to each other for support. 
The bark ground cover was whipping up and pelting our legs!
I've never been in such extreme winds! As much as we loved doing work inside the temple,
while outside I just wanted to get out of the wind and out of there.
Sensory overload!

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