Sunday, September 22, 2019

Canning Salsa and Beets

Chicken pot pie for dinner required a little harvesting from the garden first.

After dinner, worried my beets were going to go bad before I canned them, 
I canned them. It made ONE jar! 😂
Sometime in the future we're going to really appreciate those beets!
But I loved watching the how-to YouTube video with Wyse Guide.
He is so calm and easy to listen to, he makes you feel like you can do anything!

Once off and running, we decided to roast some peppers and can some salsa too.
Not too sure if we like the flavor of the salsa with the added jarred lime juice
(I guess to make it acidic enough for water-bath canning).
But it was easy and we have millions of tomatoes so nothing ventured, nothing gained!

 Marty and friends also came up for game night...
and played chess on the new game table!
Dream. Come. True!

Also taught on Grace today in YW. I didn't have nearly enough time 
to get through all the important things.
But throughout the last few weeks I've read some fantastic talks.

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