Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Light and Strength

Only 27* outside and I went for a ride. Feeling pretty hard core. 
The light was so beautiful as it edged over the mountains, I had to stop and take a picture.
Doesn't do it justice, of course. 
But take my word for it, it was stop in the middle of my ride to capture it worthy.
The light was singing to me.

Then I had to get a selfie to document that I was out riding in January and felt pretty good too.
Lots of layers.
And surprisingly, because I'd just come back from NYC where I'd become acclimated to wearing a mask all the time again, breathing through my balaclava wasn't bad at all. Felt downright comfortable.

We've got a seven hour flight to Hawaii and I'm totally looking forward to it.
I love being stuck in one spot with nothing to do except read, listen to podcasts, maybe work on my book. Maybe watch a movie. Maybe sleep. I love it! 
(We're in first class, lay down seats too. So I guess that helps in the comfort department.)

Also it's Nick's birthday. I probably should have put that as today's main event.
Love that boy who doesn't seem to mind going to Hawaii alone with his parents. 

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