Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Write or Die Friends

 I turned in my first submission today for Novel 3.
18 pages. 
I'm looking forward to feedback from my nine classmates and the teacher with their suggestions of what's confusing, what needs more detail and if I've successfully created tension and emotion.
I'll be getting feedback over the next week.

Also, we had our first "Write or Die" writer's group meeting tonight.
Four new friends from Novel 2 whose feedback was especially helpful.
(I also really liked their stories!)
It was fun to meet via Zoom tonight and set up a structure for our group.
Once a month we'll submit five pages for review and discussion.
We meet every other week for an hour, so we'll discuss two people at a time.

We're committed to our time and place, so I'll need to check in on vacation, 
but with Zoom, that's not hard at all!

(I loved waking up with no other obligations today, being able to sit on the couch and dig in to my submission all day. I had to take breaks from time-to-time to clear my head.
But I loved it!

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