Sunday, January 10, 2021

Joseph Smith History

Today the Paul's went home. So bittersweet. It's been a fantastic holiday getting to spend real time -- days and days -- with our family. Marty and Lizzie from Thanksgiving until New Years. Courtney and Michael before Christmas, and back again at New Years plus a few days. Then Michelle, Brent, Morgan, Chase, Isaac and Ethan from Monday through today. 

In this unusual year where we don't get to see all the people we want to for as long as we usually do, having family here for a while has been a treat. I love them so much! But I'm ok getting back to our more quiet routine. We're not quiet for long -- skiing in Deer Valley later this week and Hawaii in a month. So I'll take the quiet days when I can get them!

I've been reading Joseph Smith's History in conjunction with Come Follow Me. Michelle and I watched Don't Miss This and I listened to our old FHE brother from BYU, Steve Harper (DR. Steve Harper!) speak on a podcast hosted by John Bytheway and Hank Smith about the Restoration and the history and background of Joseph Smith and his family and discussions of the various accounts of The First Vision. (Part 1 & Part 2) PHENOMENAL!

I feel so grateful for their insights. I feel so grateful for my testimony that Joseph Smith was a prophet. He was also a regular kid. A regular man. Called to do a monumental work with eternal consequences. I am grateful for the reminder that God gives revelation to all of us. Just like at 14, Joseph wasn't given all the answers or burdened with a huge responsibility of organizing a church as a child, God also gives us revelation in amounts that we are ready for. Often we wonder why answers aren't more defined or quicker. But I know God is omniscient, but he also loves us. He cares about us. And he will always do what's best for us. I trust his timing.

A few thoughts that struck me when listening to the podcasts: 

* When Joseph wondered which church to join, he went to the scriptures for answers. That scripture (James 1:5) directed him to pray, which he did. What a great example for us.

* God answered his prayer "Which church should I join?" with a simple answer (in an extraordinary way): "None of them" He didn't reveal everything that was coming up next. A book of scripture to be translated, a new church to establish, acting as prophet at the head of the church, exodus, missionary work, and on and on and on. That came with time.

* When Joseph had his second vision with Moroni, he had gone to the Lord in prayer and repentance. He was a 17-year-old kid in bed in his jammies. (The way they point that out just cracks me up.)

* Because of a boy and a prayer, we have all the knowledge we have now. God is our Father, Christ is our Savior. We will live with them again. We are their Work and their Glory. They hear and answer our prayers. We can have a personal relationship with them. We can be filled with love and peace, given answers, saved from darkness and despair. We have scriptures full of examples of other people, just like us in so many ways, also coming to know the Savior and God, the Father. And their love for each one of us. I am a Child of God. I have Heavenly Parents who love me. 

I am Grateful.

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