Sunday, January 17, 2021

Mountain Sunday


Such a beautiful view to wake up to and look at while reading my scriptures
AND the first issue of the Liahona (Ensign magazine name change).

It's so great to be able to watch church on TV while on vacation! 
And then have our new Priests bless the sacrament.

In the afternoon, to get us all out of the condo and moving a bit,
we hiked one mile up the road at Empire Pass to the overlook.

At the overlook is the Church of Dirt. 

It's apparently a popular wedding spot. Save the date markers were in a group
along with a full 2021 calendar book where people could make reservations!

After dinner we watched Game Night -- the edited TV version (hilarious!)
and then played our own games of Azul and Hearts.
I had to document our Hearts phenomenon.
THREE TIMES out of eight rounds total, between last night and tonight, 
Lizzie put down the Queen of Spades and Dan took it with a Four of Diamonds.
THREE TIMES the exact same play. It was crazy-coincidental!

He ended up Shooting The Moon two of those times, so we don't feel sorry for him.

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