Friday, January 29, 2021


 Desolation Overlook hike with my friend, Amelia, who hasn't hiked in the winter before! 

Some neighbor kids were out on an adventure today too!
From my bathroom window, I saw four boys holding skateboards walking through the neighbors lot over to our skate ramp. The ramp is covered, so we were curious what they would do.
They didn't uncover it, they just ran up and down it and looked like they were having a blast.

Twenty minutes later they were still playing. Dan yelled out to them that they could uncover if they recovered when they were done.
They were so excited! 
(They didn't remember to recover it when they left, of course. They're kids.)
It was so fun to imagine how exciting it must have been to gather their friends and tell them about a skate ramp in the woods. To crawl through an opening in the fence and walk through an empty lot and the woods next to the river and find it! I hope they come back.

Date Night at the Jazz game tonight. 
So luxurious to not have anyone in front of you or beside your or climbing over you! 
Jazz killed the Maveriks so that was awesome too! 

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