Friday, June 21, 2019


Four boys had to leave early this morning. I heard them go and couldn't fall back to sleep, so took Kershaw for a 5:30 a.m. walk around the loop. It was lovely to be out in the quiet dawn.

Sleeping under the stars!

Chris and friends sprayed down the ATV's and wiped them off to start getting camp cleaned up.
They play hard, but they work hard too.

Nick was excited to drive the jeep.

He drove me over to the old schoolhouse. Yikes! 
However, he did great and is a pretty good driver already!

Photos of different cabins and styles to get ideas for our cabin.

That afternoon we hiked to the Falls. The water was RUSHING! I've never seen the river so high.

While I made dinner, the boys had a Spike Ball tournament.

The bracket 

During our last campfire, Chris played the guitar. Then Johnny and Aldo also played and sung.

What a trip. Harrowing. Frustrating. Hard Work. Unplugged. Grateful. Beautiful. Priesthood. Friendship. Blessed. Together. Family.

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