Sunday, June 16, 2019

San Juan Mountains Calling

Packing and planning for our trip to Pagosa includes:

Five college kids (Marty's and friends)
Eleven graduated seniors (Chris and friends)
Three teenagers (Nick and friends)
Two parents (Dan and Me)
and a dog. Kershaw.

A truck hauling a trailer, two ATV's, five mountain bikes.
The bed of the truck carrying two tents, sleeping bags and pads for eleven boys to camp out on the new property, ten camp chairs, three coolers of food, three boxes of non-perishable food, luggage for a lot of us, Corn Hole and Spike Ball.

Nick, his friends, Kershaw and Dan and I are in the truck pulling the trailer.
Chris and friends are in two cars about an hour behind us because Austin's farewell was today and they couldn't leave to come until his open house was over! 
(We can hardly believe that the families of these boys were willing to part with them for a week in this oh, so precious few weeks left they have with their sons before they leave on missions. Austin goes into the MTC five days after we get home!
But on the other hand they are giddy with excitement and being all together in Pagosa.)

Marty and friends left a couple hours after Chris when their church was over.
(Including Thomas, who is Methodist but who didn't want to miss church today either.)

Friday night Dan and I stocked up at Costco. Just one aspect of planning meals was figuring we're going to use 3 loaves of bread a day just for lunches, quite possibly four.

Goodbye peonies that are a week old and still beautiful

Yellow blooms blanketing miles of field in southern Utah.

Welcome to Colorado! We've passed through several rainstorms on the way.

Spiritual nourishment from The God Seed along the way.

Halfway out of Durango we were alerted of a low tire. Stopped in Bayfield to fill it with air and buy fix-a-flat. Hoping to make it to Pagosa before it requires changing. If not, hoping fix-a-flat works.

Looking forward to this week with my family, their favorite friends and enjoying a taste of heaven.

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