Tuesday, June 11, 2019

It Could Be Worse

Something to think (or not think) about:
Last night Marty and I were making popcorn to watch "Psych the Movie" 
for family night (just the two of us).
Marty: We should get new metal bowls.
Me: Why?
Marty: Think of how many people have thrown up in these.

I had tooth #3 pulled today. Not the third tooth to be pulled, but tooth in the #3 spot.
It started hurting in November -- the can't stop touching it, can't stop thinking about it, sometimes wake you up at night kind of thing. It already had a crown and root canal so first I saw the prosthodontist for a good x-ray -- nothing of note showed up except a small black spot that could be something but might not be. We started with taking an antibiotic. So I tried Structured Silver for two weeks with no improvement. Then I took the real antibiotic, with no improvement.

So scheduled with the endodontist who redid root canals in two of the roots. Didn't help. I waited a couple more weeks to give it more time, but still no improvement. So then he did the third root and when he started, something spurted out of my gum which indicated a crack in the root. But maybe not. So I went back a month later for an extra cleaning process and sadly, that didn't help either.

At this point I said I'd rather just deal with the pain rather than have it pulled, but apparently that's not a good idea because the bone can get compromised with age and whatever else he told me.

Back to the prosthodontist I went and this time the crack did show up on the x-ray. And he also agreed its a bad idea to wait. So.... yesterday #3 was pulled and an implant placed.

The boys were happy to help if I needed anything and I was happy to have a good book to read. It was actually kind of a nice, relaxing day. Except for the bloody gauze I had to change every hour, the numbness and holding an ice pack on my face all day.

Not a bad spot to relax for a while! How much do we love this new patio furniture?! 
Dan and I sat outside a couple of nights ago using the constellation app.

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