Sunday, April 15, 2018

Elders Quorum

Dan got set apart today as the new Elders Quorum President. Found out that Jared has been called as EQP too. Kind of fun. He's in for a big job but is excited to serve with the adult men, so happy about his counselors and secretary and looking forward to getting to know all the men of our ward on a personal level.

He is so sad to leave his Young Men. And they are SO SAD too! Lots of texts saying, "Don't accept the calling, Dan!" "Don't leave us!" The great thing is he can still show those young men he cares about them even if he isn't their teacher. And all the youth can use an extra dose of loving in their lives! Especially from those that "don't have to love them!"

He was set apart by President Wilmarth, our Stake President. He blessed him that he would have love for the men he served, work well with the sisters in the Relief Society, and continue to find time to enjoy his own family and work. (Dang! I didn't have pen and paper or my phone with me to write down the blessing.)

He's going to be great.

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