Wednesday, September 04, 2024


This plant has thrived in the hot hot summer sun!

Last year I bought a very expensive ivy to go in this outdoor pot.
But I never remembered to water it, and it died almost immediately.
(And there it sat, dried up and dead for the rest of the summer because I couldn't be bothered to dig it up and throw it out either. In some things I'm lazy, and I don't know why.)

So this year I had no business sending one of my favorite indoor plants outside,
except that when our plant lady (Tina) brought a replacement for an indoor plant,
she brought two, so with an extra, I was willing to risk it.

I've been very good about watering a couple times a week, but I've also been out of town for several weeks in a row and yet even without constant care, it continues living as happy as ever! 
It's a dream plant!

Speaking of happy plants, this container was nearly dead 
when we discovered we had some water issues a month ago.
Our landscaper gave it some fertilizer, and thanks to only slightly cooler temperatures,
it's filled out, reproducing and now its stunning.

Some of my favorite fall flowers are starting to bloom.
They're beautiful, but I'm not ready to embrace fall yet.


We have a trip to Croatia coming up which I hear from everyone that's been there
that it's their favorite destination ever. 
We're not only excited for the clear water, gorgeous sunsets, gelato and charming old towns,
but for a trip that we've had to do very little planning or choosing activities.

That being said, I was creating our simple itinerary yesterday and considering my packing list
 and complained to Dan about our flight's early arrival from NYC to Heathrow.
He told me I was wrong, our flight was much later. We made a bet. And guess what?
When we checked our Delta app, WE WERE ON DIFFERENT FLIGHTS!

Fortunately if you're Delta 360*, customer service is very helpful
and they changed my flight to match Dan's and didn't charge us extra.

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