Sunday, September 15, 2024

Krka, Trogir, Hvar

Between Zadar and Split is another waterfall park, Krkr, and its’ absolutely stunning.
We were glad we made this stop as it was along our route, but didn’t have as much publicity as Plitvice.
If you only had time for one or the other, you could choose either and be happy. 

These waterfalls cut their own path, changing course frequently, evidenced by areas of green foliage with water running over it and toward the nearest cliff. 

Boardwalk paths lead you through the main park loop, similar to Plitvice.
You can take a ferry ride to other waterfalls, but those were 3-4 hour excursions.
It’s beautiful terrain and on warm days you can swim in the water, but we are having a cold snap!

After Krkr, we visited Trogir, recommended by Ibrahim, one of our NYC doormen.
The Old City is meandering narrow streets and alleys, built in cream limestone filled with architectural eye candy. The pizza was top notch. (We’re just a hop, skip and a boat crossing from Italy after all.)

Something new I learned about Brent is he loves the architecture of old churches.
I was oblivious to the ticket taker sitting behind a table and got to see these panels up close and personal.

Then, on to Split and our awaiting cruise ship,
The Symphony!

The trip was organized by Michelle and three of her closest friends from clear back when they were all newlyweds living in Mountain View and the Los Altos ward.
They reached out to their friends and put together a group of 15 couples.

Everyone is so friendly and working very hard to learn everyone’s names.


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