Thursday, September 12, 2024

Happy Birthday to Me. 54!

Happy Birthday to ME!!

In the words of EC's birthday text after I sent these photos: 
"O to be young and rich and healthy AND happy."

My birthday wish was for
Dan and I to ride up the Hudson River Parkway and cross the George Washington Bridge.
Also, to sleep in and have Hawa acai bowls for breakfast.

But before all that,
Marty, Lizzie and Emi Facetimed to wish me a Happy Birthday!
Facetime is the best.

During breakfast I listened to BOTH of my mom's birthday voicemails.
"I woke up thinking of you and how wonderful you are and only after realized it's your birthday!"
And then I saved them because her voicemails are the best--telling you all the greatest things about you--
those special things need to be saved and remembered.

After our ride, I laid on the couch and read through all my birthday messages.
Birthdays are so fun hearing from your best friends and your family 
and having such a great lovefest all about you.

In the middle of enjoying the texts, Chris called to say Happy Birthday.

I had time for a pedicure and to buy new running shoes.

And then a quick nap before meeting Courtney and Michael for dinner.
And for as good as birthday messages and phone calls are,
having someone say "Happy Birthday" and give you a hug in person is even better!

Now we're heading to the airport to go on a cruise to Croatia with Michelle and Brent
and a bunch of their friends and friends of friends! 
Let the birthday festivities continue!

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