Sunday, September 08, 2024

Back to the City

We arrived in NYC last night and met Michael and Courtney for dinner. 
I'd worked in my book edits from the proofreader the whole flight
and thankfully, after we got home for dinner and at only 11:00 p.m. eastern,
I was exhausted and ready for bed. 
We're trying to adapt to an earlier bedtime to prep for the European time change 
and our cruise through Croatia!

This morning we walked through Central Park where there was not just one, 
but TWO road races happening. One at the upper end of the park and one at the lower.
A marching band was playing to cheer on the racers and I could just imagine
my mom's enthusiasm and sheer joy at the awesome energy if she were here.
I think if I ran with a marching band, I could run a lot farther than three minutes.

Courtney and I walked to church together early for a RS linger longer.
It's so nice to have a minute to sit in the beautiful courtyard of the Belnord.
We love our apartment here!

After church we had a late lunch then watched the Cowboys game.
After years (over 30) of loving Cowboy football and trying to make time for a
game, but it never panning out, Dan is going to not one, but TWO
games this season! They're playing in New Jersey the week we get home from the cruise, 
so we're staying extra days to go.

And in October, Dan's finally taking the boys to Cowboys Stadium!
(Sorry, Nick! He just smiled and said,
the other boys missed out on things and now its my turn.
And wasn't disappointed at all.)


Also, Jenny's mom passed away last night.
I'm so sad to miss the funeral, but so happy I got to see her before I left.

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