Sunday, September 01, 2024

The Box, Church, Schoolhouse and Marbles

Breakfast Burritos,
Morning hike to the bridge in Box Canyon,

YouTube church after lunch (paninis),
and checking for relatives.

The boys tried to see how far the bb guns would shoot by standing at the edge of the grass and seeing if anyone could shoot them. 

The boys played more yard games and epic round the house frisbee golf
while the girls sat on the porch swing and talked and
played a few more rounds of The Marble Game

Lasagna for dinner (finally remembered to ring the triangle)

 and evening ATV/Ranger ride to the Schoolhouse.
(Chelsea and Rob rode e-bikes, but one ran out of charge.
Chelsea volunteered to ride that one, of course.)

Ended the night with more cookies, ice cream, and girls against boys in The Marble Game.

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