Thursday, August 15, 2019

Just What I Needed

Last week I finished "Vacationland: True Stories from Painful Beaches" by John Hodgman. Courtney brought it to Japan to read (Michael had recommended it and let her borrow his book.) She let me read a few chapters and I was dying laughing. But when the trip ended it went back to New York with her.

Last week, Michael brought it to Pagosa so I could read the whole thing and laugh some more. It's the kind of book you look forward to reading but you don't want to rush because speeding through will ruin it.

Author, Hodgman, is "PC guy" from the Mac and PC commercials. His comedy has been introduced as "white privilege mortality comedy." I like that he sees humor in life, is down-to-earth, can poke fun at himself and others but isn't mean.

I laughed out loud throughout, then had Dan read a chapter so I could hear him laugh out loud. And the whole time kept asking, "What part are you on now?" So I could enjoy it all over again.

I ordered three more so that after I returned Michael's copy, I could save one for myself, give one to Marty and have one to lend.

These are days full of introspection with Chris leaving soon, all our kids growing up and ward changes happening soon. I find myself excited to spend this weekend with our whole family together on the boat or even just hanging out. I'm excited to get Chris packed and check all those boxes off the church packing list. I'm excited to get him off on his mission. But if I try to think even one second past Tuesday, my brain literally shuts off. I start feeling anxiety and I can't breathe. So for now I'll live in the moment and not worry about next week. And I'll take any opportunity I can get to laugh.

Speaking of laughing, we saw "Where'd You Go Bernadette" tonight. It was really good but done differently than the book. Not geared around humor as much as I thought the book was. (With the funny e-mails amongst the parents.) Still highly recommended. 

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