Friday, August 23, 2019

Hey, Girl!

I considered going back to sleep this morning... okay, to be honest, I actually did go back to bed after getting Nick off to school. But after a few minutes I didn't fall back to sleep so got up and went for a bike ride.

Usually when I pass someone on a bike (meaning they're going the other way... On my side of the street everyone passes me. I'm not fast and I'm okay with it)...  we give a quick nod of acknowledgment and carry on. Today, however, I passed two ladies and one was wearing the same jersey I was wearing. I smiled and nodded, but she lifted her arm to wave and called loudly across the street, "Hey, Girl!" And it made my day.

We all need a "Hey, Girl!" And we need it often. I had brunch with my friends this morning and we stayed from 10 until 1:00. Talking and laughing. Sharing stories, catching up and planning more get-togethers. One friend's divorce is finally final (after five years of fighting for it), one friend's bishop just got caught for voyeurism, one friend has a child with an eating disorder, one friend is a grandma but also has a young child who struggles with school and said, "I can't talk about it or I'll cry" when we asked how it was going. One friend went all the way home to get her phone (for the calendar) and then realized it was actually at our brunch on the counter. These are just the troubles of the moment. There are many more that run much deeper. 

So getting together to talk and laugh is one more "Hey, Girl." You can talk if it will help, or stay quiet if you'd prefer to forget for just a minute.

But it feels a lot better to be reminded we're all in this together. And sometimes a stranger on a bike shouting "Hey, Girl" is just the boost you need.

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