Saturday, February 26, 2022

Past and Future

Last night we drove down to Provo for Madi Wickham's wedding reception.
She met her now-husband at BYU and as it turned out, 
his dad was a missionary in Buenos Aires South with Dan and Kurt!
He was the AP who picked them up when they arrived in the mission.

Brad and Jenne were there too so we got a photo of the four BA missionaries together. 
(The dads look so much alike we thought they were brothers!)
So fun to celebrate Madi and Logan and to FINALLY meet Kurt & Tiffany's parents and siblings.
We've known each other so long it feels like we know their families, but we've never met.
After I introduced myself, Tiffany's mom even said, "Tell me about your kids! How is Marty?"
Wow! She has Tiffany's gift of remembering EVERYTHING.

Dan and I had a whole day Saturday in front of us with no set plans. 
While I was reading my scriptures, I had a little prompting to go to the temple. 
And surprisingly, there were two spots available. 
Dan was sweet to agree to go with when I sprung it on him during his workout.
It's not always -- ever -- great to think you have a whole day and then suddenly have your wife suggest something else instead. But he was willing.
Then Clara's helper called the minute we walked in the house and said Clara wanted a blessing.
So... off we went again.
But in the end, Dan and I still had plenty of time to do things we wanted to do
and even relax together in the evening.
So for that I am grateful.

Also grateful for these tulips on my counter foreshadowing Spring.

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