Sunday, November 13, 2016

Fall Clean Up

On Thursday, Dan and I met Marty in Provo so he could get his Patriarchal Blessing. What an awesome experience. After we shopped for missionary clothes at Mr. Mac. He's got mission photos on Tuesday so we needed to get his suit -- and fast.  One perk of living in Utah!

Friday we went to the symphony with the Howells and heard the most phenomenal pianist we've ever been to live. Alexander Gavrylyuk. We were literally on the edge of our seats for the full 35 minutes of his concert. We were close enough to watch his hands in the reflection of the piano lid and see his face as he played. He performed Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No. 1. Absolutely phenomenal.

Saturday we raked and raked. We raked the yard clean so the boys could mow one last time. Filled the car with 2 loads of bags. And an hour later, this is what the yard looked like:

On Sunday we had Nicholas' last Primary Program. Marge is back in Utah so she came over after church to spend the day. She brought me jars and mung beans and lentils to sprout. She's enjoyed sprouting so much I'm going to give it a try.  I think this is like the Adair -- actually Reagen/Regenscheit -- version of passing along your sour dough starter.

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