Sunday, October 09, 2022

Writing Inspiration

Sherry, from WorD, introduced us to a new podcast: "The Shit No One Tells You About Writing." 
I've been looking for something specifically geared to the writer 
and loved this interview with author, Richard Osman. 

 Writing Inspiration from the podcast:

"You've got an interior voice saying 'what business do I have writing a book?' 
But anyone who puts their butt in a chair and writes is a writer. 
When you hear the voice, remember its job is to make your life easy--
to tell you you don't need to put in the work today. 
It's your job to dismiss the voice and work anyway."

I've had a bit of anxiety this week as my schedule for next week is filling up and 
I'm panicking I won't have the time to work before we go on Fall Break.

(But I do want to go hiking with my friend and I should say yes because we haven't seen each other in years. And I definitely need to get my hair done, can't put that off. 
And I've been looking forward to going to the temple.)

But, but, but...
I received notes from my Developmental Editor that I need to spend some time digesting -- 
20 pages of notes on 350 pages of novel and how do I break it down in a way I can process?
I think I'm going to make a separate stack of each chapter on my office floor.

I need to give feedback on my classmates' first five pages, 
plus notes on four 20 page submissions beginning Wednesday.
And finally implement the editor's notes for my own 20 page submission the week after fall break
(that I need to do before break.)

Also, Nick should really get his college essays written before we leave.

Here's to getting work done this week.

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