Monday, October 10, 2022

Say Yes

Say Yes. 
Yes to reconnecting with a good friend.
Yes to immersing in fall colors.
Yes to hard and "we'll only go as far as we can go."
Work will wait. The reds, yellows and oranges won't.
Talking on the trail has breathed new life into everything else I need to do today.
And we even made it to the saddle--so much farther than I ever expected!

Say yes to boosting a stranger's confidence, making friends (Mark),
and sharing a Clif bar so he could make it to the the summit.
Receive Incan well wishes in return: "Pachamama" and laugh together when you tell
about that time years ago when you saw a store in South America called "Pachamama"
and you told your kids you liked it because it sounded like "Pat your mama!"

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