Wednesday, June 02, 2021

Passing Through

Last day of school (which means nobody went to school today) and I
celebrated by claiming a pool spot to read and write and read about writing.

I did have a few obligations today... 

About 1:00 I heard children's shouts and laughter which seemed really close.
Kershaw dashed off running and barking so I assumed the voices must be coming from the house across the river behind us.
But when I sat up, ten kids all with inflatable tubes, were marching through the yard.
When I waved and said hello (announcing my presence and hoping not to startle them), 
they didn't even flinch.
"We were tubing down the river and this is where we got out!" shouted one girl, about eleven-years-old.

Kudos to the bold children -- only one of which looked familiar --
for not running away embarrassed when they saw me sitting by the pool.
They just paraded on through telling me about their adventures and how they were going back to run the river again, calling to another friend in the next door yard and telling him to hop the fence to join them walking through our yard.

I remember when Michelle and I were children, other people's yards were just shortcuts on our daily summer excursions running from one place to the next. Fences (especially chainlink fences that were basically ladders) were just formalities, the obstacles adding to our adventures, but certainly not preventing us from passing through.

This is only half of them -- some had already gone through the fence and four others were waiting for another friend!

Back in the house for lunch, I noticed Nick and friends had been getting creative.
The drone hasn't been out in a couple of years, and the Lego Porsche has been in a box on Nick's shelf for at least that long too.

Took a pic of this plane so I could show Dan.
He always knows the names... which I find really sexy!

I had my Write or Die group tonight which I always look forward to.
It's so fun having writing friends to share work with and who are so supportive.
We are often texting throughout the week sharing ups and downs on our writing adventures.
Someone said tonight, "It's so helpful to have friends who love my characters as much as I do."
So true. They're really the only other ones who know our fictional families and love them.

(Thanks to Dan for snapping a pic without even being asked!)

Dan was convinced his allergies were running amok, but I'm pretty sure its a cold.
After asking him to cover his mouth while hacking, he put on a mask instead. 😂
A whole new world.

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