Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Taylor's Visit

Taylor and Hadyn came to Utah for a visit and made time to go to brunch with me. How I love Taylor! She was such a special friend to Courtney in Jr. High. They were so similar -- smart, motivated, hard-working, obedient and selfless. Whenever they were at our house, Taylor never hesitated to clean up and often left it cleaner than she found it. She was very active in her Lutheran church and an example of Christ-like love. One of those good examples a parent is always hoping their kids will be influenced by. Courtney was a true friend in return and cared about Taylor through ups and downs.

When Taylor moved to Dallas after 9th grade, it was heartbreaking for all of us! But her dad still lives in Utah and she has lots of family here, so she visits about once a year.

She's still positive, hard-working, motivated, kind and loving. Her boyfriend Haydn seems just as wonderful.

I love that she makes time to say Hi. Now we just need to get Courtney home at the same time so they can actually see each other!

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