Saturday, October 31, 2015


On Friday, KT and I hiked Grandeur Peak Trail. I. Love. Fall.

Marty, Chris and I all picked up chestnuts. We were done in 15 minutes and there were no chestnuts--only shells. I suspect the squirrels took the chestnuts. But that's a first. They haven't in the past. 
Very interesting. We haven't had very many the last couple of years. What a relief!

Dan's office has a Halloween party each year with trick-or-treating for the kids. 
These two kids wanted to go. I love that Marty isn't too old to dress up!!
Marty is Malzahar from League of Legends. He made his costume himself. So creative.

Nick took the opportunity to wear a different costume and resurrected the old Jedi costume. 
The color of the light saber was serious business. When I was gathering his costume to meet him at Dan's office (he was dropped off there straight after school), both Marty and Chris asked at separate times, "What color light saber is he wanting?" 

Donald and Hillary were a big hit. Christopher had the awesome idea. 
See how important Family Home Evening is?

Halloween on a Saturday is a little anti-climatic. We woke up and did chores and practicing. (First I took a bike ride. Love that the weather is still warm!) We moved all the patio furniture to under the deck and brought the cushions to the garage. We washed off the ping pong table and brought it inside and Marty and Chris rehung three boards that had fallen off the deck. (They felt very confident they knew what to do. So glad they're comfortable with these little handyman projects!)

I finally put the kibosh on the FoozBall table that does not fit anywhere and took it over to the new house for demolition. Also cleaned up the garage a bit.

And then we went to lunch at Hire's. 

Later that afternoon the youngest children had a friendly game of Water Pong!?! What-the-what?!
Only in Utah do your 10-year-olds play "water pong" and you say, "How cute!" because the older siblings who taught it to them, also only play water pong. And it does look pretty fun. 
But I'm not happy about all the cups that I have to wash now.

The gang getting ready to go out trick-or-treating!
Halloween 2015!

The FBI guy.

One half of Bill and Ted (He's Ted -- had to look it up) and a hippy friend.
Doesn't he look just like Ted?!

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