Tuesday, December 14, 2021


Shout out to my adopted New Mexican roots:
It's so windy there are tumbleweeds on the bike path!

The weather was unseasonably warm today -- a storm is predicted for tomorrow.
I took advantage and got dressed for a ride outside. Was just about to leave when I realized the wind was blowing so hard it might make for an uncomfortable ride. I hesitated for just a minute, then decided to go anyway. I can do hard things, right? 

I had to push hard when riding into the wind, but returning on Wasatch below Mt. Olympus, the wind at my back, I hit 27 mph and hardly felt like I was pedaling at all. 
(For reference, I'm going fast (for me) at 20 mph on that stretch.)
Heading down 45th, a strong crosswind rocked my bike and it felt pretty unsafe, so I turned onto the side roads for better protection. 

Proud of myself for getting out there even when it seemed hard. Always feels good.

Clara was weary today. Not sleepy, life weary. 
She said, "If God leaves me here much longer, I'm just not sure if I can handle it." 
Me: "Have you told him that?" 
She waved my comment away, "Oh yes, he and I talk all the time. 
He knows how I feel. But he's the boss. And I just have to wait." 
Me: "I don't like having someone be the boss of me."
Clara: "Oh, honey. Neither do I."

We're getting Dan's flight simulator set up with its own chair and computer so both the racing and flight simulator don't have to share equipment. When Nick sees the new stuff arrive, he immediately starts putting it together. Kinda nice to have a handyman in the house. 

Dan and I had a few errands this evening and arrived home to this cute scene.
Chris emerges from the guest room about once a day for a few minutes but most of the time he's sequestered in the back room. It's not a bad plus to study for finals.

And with no warning at all, Nick and Will came in from outside with their heads shaved.

I only wish when they cleaned up the huge pile of hair, 
they would have thrown it in the trash instead of in the bushes!!!

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